What Does it Take to be Considered a Progressive Country?


When we think of progressive countries, the chances are that Scandinavian countries are the ones that first spring to mind. But why is this? What exactly does being progressive mean and what criteria needs to be met to be considered this? We usually talk about progressive countries as being the most developed with a lot of freedom of choice, but is this really what it should mean? A concise definition of progressivism would be advancements in fields such as science, technology and economic development, all of which play an important role in improving the human condition.

Technological developments would be one which many people nowadays would be able to relate to. Within the past few decades we have seen incredible leaps in technological advancement that has been seen in developed countries, and is even more so evident now in developing countries. Ironically, while we have seen vast improvements in the technology behind motor vehicles, bringing us from fossil fuel powered cars to those running on renewable energy such as hydrogen, many countries considered the most progressive have been moving away from such technology altogether and reverting back to truly zero emission vehicles such as bicycles. There has been such an outcry to reduce pollution and traffic that countries such as Denmark and the Netherlands are focusing on promoting bicycle use much more.

Waste is a big problem for the majority of countries, considering it can take up valuable space and can be very polluting. Smaller countries have had to get creative with ways to get rid of their waste or cut it down drastically. Progressive countries have made huge investments in industrial waste recycling equipment to do their best to send as little as possible into landfill. This can be considered a progressive mindset because they are thinking of new and innovative ways to proactively deal with these problems, rather than waiting until they have no choice but to take action. Many developing countries are so fixed on immediate results that they fail to see the benefit in implementing long-term solutions that may be costly at first.

It must be noted that not all “progressive” policies may be attractive, at least at first. Eugenics as a method of “improving” the genetic quality of humans has been tied to Nazi Germany, and is an obvious example of how positive or negative policies from those in power can affect this.

In conclusion, in order to be a progressive country, they must be taking steps to improve the quality of life of all their people. While many may be seen to lag behind others, it is all relative. Saudi Arabia’s recent policy change to allow women to drive motor-vehicles is a strong sign of progression, regardless of whether or not it has come many decades later than others.